
Share your prayer request on our Prayer Wall now and let us
pray for you!

In times of fear and doubt, one of the most important things we can do is pray—and especially to pray for one another. That’s why we’re asking you to share your prayer request now.

Each day, the international Biblica team gathers online to pray for ministry needs, each other, and the whole Biblica family. It would be our privilege to bring your prayer request before the throne of grace.

Read and pray over others' requests and share yours

Please provide your name and email address
to post your prayer request.

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*Only your first name and last initial will appear on your note.
I would like my prayer to remain anonymous

Please pray for love.
Liz C.

Pray for my daughter Lauren that she doesn't have colon cancer.Pray for my niece Hailey that she will be wiped clean of cancer.Pray for our friend Marlena that her radical mastectomy will make her free of cancer.Pray for my other daughter Rachel for God to knit her new baby completely and that she can carry it to full term and deliver a healthy baby. She lost a baby at 13 weeks last year.Pray for my friend Mike that his heart surgery will heal and make him stronger.Pray for Amber that her pain will be removed.Pray for me that my failing back disc can be restored with no more pain.
George P.

This time around, even though I have requests, I'm taking the time to say, 'Lord I thank you'. God has been faithful as we continue to pray.
Marvalyn W.

Please pray for the seven young children in our Sunday School class my friend & I teach each Sunday.
Connie H.

Dear Heavenly Father , my prayer to you , is for you to bless me , my work , my finances, my relationships, I decree that may the windows open and pour out your blessings on me and my house and that I may be be a greater blessing to others, forgive me for any unbelief, Father thank you for hearing and answering my prayers in your precious son hame Jesus Amen , I need you lord right now I need a miracle, your power and glory!
Alex J.